Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
July 25, 2008

Hezbullah Vets Train NY Muslim Paramilitaries

This will certainly lead to some outrage. Or maybe not. It is all legal and why would anyone bother. Ask your favorite representative, senator or presidential candidate. They will assure you that these folks are harmless.

"We do not carry out demonstrations or political activity of any kind as we have no political agenda. Our agenda is to protect Muslims wherever and whenever necessary and by any means needed."

On Friday, the third session of the group's training camp will begin in the Catskills woodlands of upstate New York, on land belonging to a Muslim supporter of the organization. With tuition at $400, the group expects 15 participants and five instructors for the 10 days of training. Participation has doubled since the group began three years ago.
The group's MySpace page details the camp's regimen, which includes training in the Hezbullah's martial art, use of non-lethal weapons and identification of suspicious objects, but also sharpshooter and assault rifle training, infantry exercises and endurance marches. Explanatory literature lists a large number of weapons with which participants can expect to train.

"We believe all Muslim in the US must be legally armed and trained," Abu Yonat says, "and towards this goal we hold paramilitary training camps to train and equip Muslim American youth."
Hezbullah vets train NY Muslim paramilitaries

Posted by b on July 25, 2008 at 11:52 UTC | Permalink


Brilliant, Bernhard. I love your framing of the story. (But readers who don't click thru to the original won't understand the irony involved.)

Posted by: Helena Cobban | Jul 25 2008 13:05 utc | 1

What's the big deal? The 15 students and 5 instructors amount to twenty Muslims. Now what possibly could 20 Muslim's do that would make one worry?

Posted by: Llyonnoc | Jul 25 2008 15:19 utc | 2

Seconded Helena

I'm sure Hezbollah wouldn't use Facebook either.

Posted by: Cloned Poster | Jul 25 2008 15:54 utc | 3

It was "training camp will begin in the Catskills" that made me say, "hello?".


Thanks b.

Posted by: beq | Jul 25 2008 16:59 utc | 4

I'm a black borscht belt myself. Oy, such a bother.
Don't forget to tip the waiters.

Posted by: biklett | Jul 25 2008 17:15 utc | 5

@ llyonnoc & beq - did you read the link? ;-)

Posted by: b real | Jul 25 2008 17:29 utc | 6

It all depends which side of the Catskills; the Jewish side, or the Italian side?

(I read the link Bernhard, LOL, very clever as always)

Posted by: Ensley | Jul 25 2008 17:48 utc | 7

what would i do w/out you b! brilliant.

Posted by: annie | Jul 25 2008 18:16 utc | 8

why are these not considered terrorist training camps or at the very least local militias?

the feds sure do like to mess with white crackers like Randy Weaver or the North Dakota tax rebel not to mention those cult members in Waco Texas.

of course if you happen to be a little darker, they pull out all the stops and firebomb your ass

maybe we should just all convert and stop being so bitter. I am already circumcised so I guess the transition won't be too painful.

Posted by: dan of steele | Jul 25 2008 21:14 utc | 9

For decades there were camps out in the Florida Everglades used by anti-Castro groups training to invade Cuba, although the US Govt was bound by agreement with Cuba and the Soviet Union to prevent any and all militia groups from trying to invade and overthrow Castro. The cops never did much to shut them down until the whole area became a national park. That pretty much ended it. (Same training now is called 'paintball')

Posted by: Ensley | Jul 25 2008 22:03 utc | 10

[this is positively, entirely off-topic & only evoked by dos' comment above. and, whatthehey... it's the weekend now]

things that make you go YOW!!! Mujoroto now a ‘total man’

Posted by: b real | Jul 26 2008 3:30 utc | 11

This throws up the dog-tail question ...

WaPo: Israeli Leaders Find Generous Donors in U.S.

Americans Give Most To the Political Right

Foreign donations are banned for general elections, but Israeli leaders routinely get half or more of their campaign contributions for party primaries from overseas, and mostly from American donors.
Former prime minister and Likud Party leader Binyamin Netanyahu, for instance, received approximately $400,000 -- 75 percent of his donations for a 2007 primary -- from U.S. contributors, according to the Israeli comptroller's office. By contrast, Israeli donors accounted for less than 5 percent of reported contributions to Netanyahu, who hopes to return to power if Olmert falls and who has sharply criticized the current government for its willingness to cut deals with Israel's enemies.
Another former prime minister, Labor Party leader Ehud Barak, picked up about a third of his campaign money from donors in the United States. Barak, a driving force behind a recent cease-fire with Hamas who favors negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, received slightly more than half of his donations last year from within Israel.

Posted by: b | Jul 26 2008 7:04 utc | 12

You forgot this bit:

The group was founded in the summer of 2006 in response to the shooting attack at the Jewish federation of Seattle premises by local Muslim Naveed Haq.

Posted by: vimothy | Jul 28 2008 11:23 utc | 13

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