Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
October 15, 2006

WB: Unacceptable


A White House spokesman said the story was "unacceptable."


Posted by b on October 15, 2006 at 4:25 UTC | Permalink


and I believe he remarked that reports on the civilian death toll in Iraq were "misoverestimated".

Posted by: ralphieboy | Oct 15 2006 6:56 utc | 1

it's looking like bush may be thinking the iraqi government is unexceptable too.what about all those purple fingers?

David Brooks has incredible access to the White House so when he said this shocker on "The Chris Matthews Show," I believed him. Bush is thinking about replacing the entire Iraq government. I kid you not.

Posted by: annie | Oct 15 2006 9:05 utc | 2

Paranoia watch

"Bush's use of the word is 'a signpost of Bush's rising frustration with his declining influence.'"
-- Billmon, yesterday

"Active/negative presidents -- Barber tells us, and history shows -- are driven, persistent, and emphatic. Barber says their pervasive feeling is 'I must.'

Barber's collective portrait of Wilson, Hoover, Johnson and Nixon now fits George W. Bush too: 'He sees himself as having begun with a high purpose, but as being continually forced to compromise in order to achieve the end state he vaguely envisions,' Barber writes. He continues, 'Battered from all sides . . . he begins to feel his integrity slipping away from him . . . [and] after enduring all this for longer than any mortal should, he rebels and stands his ground. Masking his decision in whatever rhetoric is necessary, he rides the tiger to the end.'"
-- John W. Dean, April 21, 2006

I don't know about that "integrity" part, but ...

Posted by: &y | Oct 15 2006 13:59 utc | 3

Why wouldn't Chimpoleon want to change the Iraqi gov't if he thinks their behaviour is completely "inexplissable"?

Posted by: gmac | Oct 15 2006 14:40 utc | 4


I suspect a more accurate description would be that Bush is thinking of replacing the entire Iraqi people.

Posted by: dan | Oct 15 2006 15:36 utc | 5

Maybe Bush is trying to stay ahead of James Baker's Committee of Ten.

Posted by: alabama | Oct 17 2006 0:35 utc | 6

replacing the entire Iraqi people

or making sure they are in a permanent state of indentured servitude

Posted by: annie | Oct 17 2006 1:08 utc | 7

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