Make Your Own
[top | important | most wanted | close | key] al-Zarqawi [aide | lieutenant | associate | "cell prince" | figure] [captured | arrested]Dateline:
(some date) (some place in Iraq)Body:
[Iraqi | US | US and Iraqi] forces have [nabbed | captured | arrested] [a | one | two] [senior | middle] [figure | operations chief | terrorist operative] of [Jordanian | al-Qaeda-linked | Iraq's most wanted] terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi.(arabic name), also know as (other arabic name), was [detained | picked up] on (some date) during an [Iraqi police | US military | US and Iraqi] [raid | road block | operation] in (some place in Iraq).
A [spokesman | US General | Iraqi minister] talked of a ["major catch" | "significant impact" | "big step forward"].
Some examples:
June 16, 2005 U.S. Says It Has Captured Al Qaeda Leader for Mosul Area
American and Iraqi military forces have captured Al Qaeda's top leader in the Mosul area of Northern Iraq, the United States military announced today, a man who associates said always wore a suicide vest and vowed that he would never be taken alive.
The military described the captured insurgent, Muhammad Khalaf Shakar, also known as Abu Talha, as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's most trusted operations agent in Iraq.
"He was known as the 'emir of Mosul,' " Lt. Gen. James T. Conway said of Mr. Shakar during a Pentagon briefing today. "He is a key lieutenant in Al Qaeda - that has been established. .."
The general said he believed the capture could reduce the rate of insurgent attacks in Northern Iraq. "In terms of impact, we think it will be significant," he said. "He has been in charge of the operation up there for a long time. Mosul, as you know, has become more and more a focal point for insurgent activities. So we have to think that the No. 2 won't be as capable as he."
June 5, 2005 Militant linked to Zarqawi arrested
Iraqi forces have arrested a senior militant leader who is linked to Jordanian mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and believed responsible for overseeing an array of deadly attacks in Iraq.
A Defence Ministry spokesman says Mullah Mahdi, sometimes known as Abu Abdul Rahman, was detained after a raid backed by US troops in the northern city of Mosul on Friday.
May 25, 2005 Top aide to al-Zarqawi arrested north of Baghdad
"The Iraqi security forces backed by US troops captured on Monday Agha Umar, a top aide for Zarqawi, in Baquba, some 60 km northeast of Baghdad," the official told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.
May 25, 2005 US: al-Zarqawi aides arrested
Described as "one of the most wanted people" in northern Iraq, Mullah Kamel al-Assawadi was arrested after he allegedly tried to pass an Iraqi checkpoint, a US military statement said on Wednesday.
The Iraqi Defence Ministry also announced the arrest in Baquba on Tuesday of al-Zarqawi's secretary for Diyala province, Agha Omar, without providing further details. [see above]
May 9, 2005 Gains seen after new arrest of al-Zarqawi aide
Both men arrested are said to be close aides to al-Zarqawi, whose group is thought to be responsible for most of the suicide bombings and kidnappings in Iraq.
Amar Adnan Muhammad Hamzah al-Zubaydi was arrested in a Baghdad raid on May 5, the military said, while Ghassan Amin was captured in western Iraq in late April along with two associates.
April 19, 2005 Iraqi Security Forces Capture Two Zarqawi Associates
Iraq Security Forces are detaining two men suspected of working for al-Qaeda-linked terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Iraqi government said in a statement e- mailed from the capital, Baghdad.
Hamza Ali Ahmed al-Widmizyar, known as Abu Majid, and Salman Aref Abdulkadir Khwamurad al-Zardowe, also called Abu Sharif, were arrested at the beginning of April during a raid on the city of Ramadi, the government, said without explaining why the information was only released today.
March 12, 2005 Female Al Qaeda member arrested
US troops have detained a female Al Qaeda member headed by Iraq’s most wanted man, Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, US military officials said on Friday.
She is “someone who was picked up” within the last 30 days “and is part of the Zarqawi network. She is at Camp Cropper,” Major General William Brandenburg, the head of US military detention operations in Iraq, said, adding that she was one of three females in custody.
March 9, 2005 A Zarqawi cell "prince", six others captured in Baquba
Iraqi security forces arrested a leader of one of Musaab Al-Zarqawi's terrorist cells in Baquba, northeast of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad on Wednesday.
An Iraqi police source told reporters that soldiers of the Iraqi Army captured Taifor Abdulsattar Malallah one of the "princes" of Musaeb Al-Zaraqi's terrorist group in Baquba.
March 1, 2005 Major Arrests Show a Shift in Iraq
The Iraqi government has arrested several key figures in the insurgency in the past two weeks, mainly aides to Zarqawi. One of the highest-profile captures was of Talib Mikhlif Arsan Walman al-Dulaimi, also known as Abu Qutaybah, who arranged safe houses and meetings for Zarqawi and was arrested Feb. 20 along with another man who occasionally served as Zarqawi's driver. Iraqi officials say Abu Qutaybah's contacts in the Anbar province of western Iraq, which has been an insurgency hotbed, make him a major catch.
February 26, 2005 Top al-Zarqawi aide captured
Iraqi forces have arrested a top lieutenant of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, another indication that they are close to capturing Iraq's most wanted man, security officials said Friday.
The aide, Taleb Mikhlef al-Dulaimi, was "responsible for determining who, when and how terrorist leaders would meet with al-Zarqawi," the Iraqi government said in a statement. Al-Dulaimi was captured in a Feb. 20 raid in the town of Anah, about 150 miles west of Baghdad.
January 28, 2005 Three Top Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested
Iraq's interim government today announced the capture of three men it described as top lieutenants of Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi,..
According to Qasim Dawood, the Iraqi government's minister of state for national security, Zarqawi's chief of operations in Baghdad was captured Dec. 31 and another top lieutenant was caught west of the capital on Jan. 20. There was no immediate explanation for the delay in announcing the captures.A government statement said the Baghdad operations chief, identified as Salah Salman Idaaj Matar Luhaybi, alias Abu Sayf, had met Zarqawi four times in December. The other top aide, Ali Hamad Ardani Yasin Isawi, had 40 meetings with Zarqawi in the past three months, the statement said.
The deputy prime minister for national security affairs, Barham Salih, later told a news conference that authorities have arrested a third Zarqawi lieutenant, Inad Mohammed Qais, Reuters news agency reported. Qais was said to be an al Qaeda member serving as a military adviser. It was not immediately clear when or how he was seized.
January 24, 2005 Zarqawi's 'Most Lethal' Lt. Nabbed
Iraqi security forces have arrested the "most lethal" top lieutenant of al Qaeda's leader in Iraq — a man allegedly behind 75 percent of the car bombings in Baghdad since the U.S.-led invasion, the prime minister's office said Monday.
Sami Mohammed Ali Said al-Jaaf, also known as Abu Omar al-Kurdi, was arrested during a Jan. 15 raid in Baghdad, a government statement said Monday. Two other militants linked to Jordanian-born Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's terror group also have been arrested, authorities announced Monday.
January 8, 2005 Zarqawi-linked leader arrested
U.S. occupation forces announced the arrest of a key leader in al-Zarqawi’s network in Iraq.
The military said in a statement on Saturday that Abdul Aziz Sa'dun Ahmed Hamduni, also known as Abu Ahmed, was arrested on December 22.
The statement also said that Abu Ahmed was coordinating attacks in the northern city of Mosul, adding that he served as the deputy of the top leader in the city, identified as Abu Talha.
December 15, 2004 Iraq says aide to Zarqawi killed, two arrested
An aide to Iraq's most-wanted man, Jordanian Islamist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has been killed in Iraq and two others captured, Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said Tuesday.
"I have been told that an individual by the name of Hassan Ibrahim Farhan Zyda from Zarqawi's group has been killed and that two of his deputies have been arrested," Allawi told the interim national assembly.
December 12, 2004 US Marines Arrest 2 Zarqawi-linked Insurgent Leaders
The men were arrested on December 8 and 12 during raids in the city of Ramadi, which is part of the restive al-Anbar province. The military did not announce the arrests until Saturday.
The Marines say Saleh Arugayan Khalil and Bassim Mohammed Hazem were cell leaders for a local Zarqawi-affiliated terrorist group called the "Harun terrorist network" that operates in and around Ramadi.
November 25, 2004 Iraq says top Zarqawi aide arrested in Mosul
One of the leaders of the top US foe in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi ,was arrested in the northern city of Mosul, national security adviser Qassem Daoud said Thursday. "We arrested a few days ago Abu Said, one of the leaders of the Zarqawi network in the city of Mosul," Daoud told reporters.
He did not elaborate on the identity of the rebel leader and his rank in Zarqawi's Al-Qaeda linked organisation, but said information which led to the arrest came partly from local residents.
October 23, 2004 Senior Terrorist Arrested in Iraq
The U.S. military has arrested a "senior leader" in the network run by Jordanian terror mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (search), along with five others during overnight raids in the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah (search), officials said Saturday.
July 7, 2004 Zarqawi's brother-in-law arrested in Jordan: family
Jordanian authorities have arrested a brother-in-law of suspected Al Qaeda operative Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, following his appearance in a documentary on Al Jazeera television, according to family sources.
Saleh al-Hani, 38, was arrested at his home in Zarqa, north-east of Amman, by plainclothes policemen who gave no explanation for his arrest, the sources told AFP.
April 30, 2003 Associate of Al Qaeda-Linked Fugitive Caught in Baghdad
An associate of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has been captured in the Baghdad area, a defense official confirmed to Fox News on Tuesday.
The name of the associate was not released but he was described as a midlevel terrorist operative.
Posted by b on June 17, 2005 at 14:17 UTC | Permalink
You laugh me long time.
Ah, Zarqawi, how our Pentagon do love thee. let me count the ways.
Or is counting America hating now, too?
Posted by: citizen | Jun 17 2005 14:29 utc | 2
The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure . . . Somewhere or other he was still alive and hatching his conspiracies: perhaps somewhere beyond the sea, under the protection of his foreign paymasters, perhaps even -- so it was occasionally rumoured -- in some hiding-place in Oceania itself.
George Orwell
Posted by: Billmon | Jun 17 2005 14:56 utc | 4
A friend of an associate of an acquaintance's cousin I know...
Posted by: cdr | Jun 17 2005 15:13 utc | 5
More on Manufactured news from Global News Matrix:
Colonel Sam Gardiner (USAF, Ret.) has identified 50 false news stories created and leaked by a secretive White House propaganda apparatus.
Bush administration officials are probably having second thoughts about their decision to play hardball with former US Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Joe Wilson is a contender. When you play hardball with Joe, you better be prepared to deal with some serious rebound.
Wilson isn't waiting for George W. Bush to hand over the perp. In mid-October, the former ambassador began passing copies of an embarrassing internal report to reporters across the US.
snipThe 56-page investigation was assembled by USAF Colonel (Ret.) Sam Gardiner. "Truth from These Podia: Summary of a Study of Strategic Influence, Perception Management, Strategic Information Warfare and Strategic Psychological Operations in Gulf II" identifies more than 50 stories about the Iraq war that were faked by government propaganda artists in a covert campaign to "market" the military invasion of Iraq.
Posted by: beq | Jun 17 2005 15:26 utc | 6
Well done, Bernhard.
These stories are the Iraq equivalent of all those Vietnam body counts. Look at all the terrorist "lieutenants" we're capturing! We must be winning!
Even if these stories had all proved to be true (or were even plausible to begin with), surely most Americans understand how expendable people in middle management are.
Posted by: BenA | Jun 17 2005 15:56 utc | 7
One thing we've learned about modern terrorist groups (al-Qaeda, Zarqawi) -- they have more "number three" men than Star Trek has redshirts...
Posted by: Redshift | Jun 17 2005 16:05 utc | 8
That makes 16. Just for fun, let's assume that the insurgency has a cell structure, with 7 person cells (based on good corporate practice), and lets pretend that it's quite shallow, with only four levels of cell - country, region, area, local. That gives us about 5,500 insurgents in the Zarqawi organisation in Iraq, assuming that there are only 16 direct associates of Super-Terrorist.
You'd actually expect local cells to be much bigger than that.
Still, last throes, eh?
The fuckers used napalm in Iraq and lied about it of course.
Posted by: Lupin | Jun 17 2005 17:30 utc | 10
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ahhhhh ha ha hahha ha ha hahahahahahaha hahaa ha!!!!!!! Uhn....oh, ahem....(sniff)
Yeah, funny, scary stuff....
Al Queda regrouping in Afghanistan
Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida network is regrouping and intends to bring Iraq-style bloodshed to Afghanistan, the nation’s defence minister said today, warning that the country could be in for several months of intense violence ahead of key legislative elections.Defence Minister Rahim Wardak said he had received intelligence that the terror organisation has slipped about half a dozen Arab agents into Afghanistan in the past three weeks, two of whom killed themselves in suicide bombings in the south against a packed mosque and a convoy of US troops.
“We have reports here and there that they have entered – at least half a dozen of them,” Wardak said. “The last report is that they came in just close to the time of the mosque attack.”
Remind me again of why there are US troops in Iraq?
Posted by: Friendly Fire | Jun 17 2005 18:06 utc | 12
reminds me of the use of the boogyman to control children, zarqawi is our boogyman, doesn't make him real.
Posted by: annie | Jun 17 2005 18:24 utc | 13
Every time I read a news story that mentions Zarqawi, a great bit of doggerel runs through my head. It's from a comment at the Whiskey Bar last May, one of the best ever, reworking an Aussie favorite called "Blame it on the Kellys":
Someone stole old Banyon's pig. Blame it on Zarqawi!
Pinched my cart and horse and rig. Blame it on Zarqawi!
Someone robbed the Sydney mail, sacked the jailer and put him in jail,
and if the potato crop should fail - they'll blame it on Zarqawi.
Blame it on Zarqawi, boys, blame it on Zarqawi,
shame, shame upon the name, blame it on - Zarqawi.
If anybody steals a horse, blame it on Zarqawi!
Anybody breaks the law, blame it on Zarqawi!
If anyone does something new, or does what you would like to do,
and if the troopers don't know who - they'll blame it on Zarqawi.
Blame it on Zarqawi, boys, blame it on Zarqawi,
shame, shame upon the name, blame it on - Zarqawi.
He's posted up on every wall. Blame it on Zarqawi!
There's no crime too great or small, to blame it on Zarqawi!
He killed a thousand so they tell,
you know he's bound to burn in hell,
I think I’ll steal a horse myself - and blame it on Zarqawi.
That last line is the telling one....
Posted by: Nell | Jun 17 2005 20:46 utc | 14
The thing is, PR firms writting news isn't limited to the "real news" parts of the news paper (or TV show). If anything, those parts were probably the last infected. Take a gander at this Paul Graham essay on the use of PR companies by a web startup (several, actually).
Posted by: Brian Hurt | Jun 17 2005 21:09 utc | 15
The good news is -- the BushCo Borg media program has been infected by the unpleasantness of reality . . .
Not that the golden kneepad crowd will notice -- but the tide has turned against their Conventional Wisdom Big Lie . . .
Posted by: ck | Jun 18 2005 5:01 utc | 16
Wasn't one of Zarqawi's lieutenants supposed to be the 20th hijacker?
Posted by: Quodlibet | Jun 18 2005 14:52 utc | 17
Your quote-montage gave inspiration to this song sung to the tune of Old Mcdonald had a Farm:
One-legged Zargawi had a cell
And in this cell he had a Lieutenant
A boom here made a score
A boom there made a score,
But the lieutenant was caught
And we started winning the war
One-legged Zargawi had a cell
And in this cell he had an associate
A boom here made a score
A boom there made a score,
But the associate was caught
And we started winning the war
One-legged Zargawi had a cell
And in this cell he had a prince
A boom here made a score
A boom there made a score,
But the prince was caught
And we started winning the war
One-legged Zargawi had a cell
And in this cell he had a high profile
A boom here made a score
A boom there made a score,
But the high profile was caught
And we started winning the war
One-legged Zargawi had a cell
And in this cell he had a top leader
A boom here made a score
A boom there made a score,
But the top leader was caught
And we started winning the war
One-legged Zargawi had a cell
And in this cell he had a senior terrorist
A boom here made a score
A boom there made a score,
But the senior terrorist was caught
And we started winning the war
Posted by: Max Sitting | Jun 18 2005 15:28 utc | 18
I remember years ago in Paris where at the entrance way to the Louvre there would be street kids, or kids anyway, who in a group of two or three would try to pick pocket. The middle kid would hold out a piece of cardboard toward you and the flanking kids would try to pick your pockets in the confusion and the presumed invisibility of their action underneath the piece of cardboard. It was obvious, brazen and probably not all that effective.
In Japanese Bunraku puppet theater, the puppeteers are visible and out in the open, assistants wearing black hoods and the master puppeteer not concealing himself at all. The audience accepts this and does not feel deceived.
In TV sit-coms, particularly in American sit-coms, there is a recorded laugh track with no studio/stage audience. The TV audience has no problems accepting this deception, and in this case it is almost where the laugh track is considered to be a sound track of sorts a cue to help the audience be amused.
Why is the propaganda so brazen, transparent, unamusing, ineffective, but still reported as if they represent reality? Why do false, misleading, unproven,and suspiciously bogus from repeated familiarity stuff keep getting reported?
Posted by: YY | Jun 19 2005 9:39 utc | 19
Another one for your collection, Bernhard, it follows your formula quite closely apart from not containing a prediction about the major significance of the arrest but maybe that's because they've had him since May 26th and there's still been mayhem since. He's got an Arab name and an Arab alias, the place and arresting body is in there, the 'connection' to Goldstein - it's perfect.
A cynic might say he was 'saved up for a bleak news period' but they'd hardly do a thing like that, eh? Maybe they just forgot to mention him until today.
Supporter of Zarqawi responsible for 20 car bombings held in Iraq
Baghdad - Iraqi Government announced that Iraqi army has arrested a suspect for connections to the Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi, announced AFP. The suspect is charged with organizing 20 car-bomb attacks and 40 attacks with roadside bombs. Musab Kassir Abdul Rahman al Hasan known as Abu Junis was arrested in operation of the Iraqi army in Baghdad on 26 May.
Posted by: Nugget | Jun 19 2005 11:06 utc | 20
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Well, with all those leaders being captured I the insurgency must be in it's last throes.
Posted by: Colman | Jun 17 2005 14:26 utc | 1